“From the Hart” Devotional for August 8, 2024

“Pass It On”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“We love because he first loved us.”
1 John 4:19

This week is a follow-up from week’s devotional where I shared about a serious automobile accident that I had been in. There’s a lot to process after a significant experience like that — mostly gratitude and reflecting on what matters most in one’s life.

A few days after my accident, I reached out to the people who had given me their names and numbers as witnesses. I let them know that I was doing ok and thanked them for taking the time to give me their information. One man named Paul let me know that he had been the one to rescue me from my car. I thanked Paul for risking his life and safety for mine and told him that if there was ever any way that repay him to let me know. He replied by wishing me God’s blessings and encouraging me to “pass on the kindness.” Spoken like a true Samaritan.

It got me to thinking about how my rescuer Paul was like the Good Samaritan that we read about in the Bible…

Like the Good Samaritan, Paul acted with great selflessness. He didn’t hesitate to risk his own safety to help me in my time of need.
How is our willingness to put someone else’s well-being before our own a hallmark of true compassion?

Just like the Good Samaritan’s help that was immediate and decisive, Paul’s quick action to rescue me demonstrated an urgent and spontaneous commitment to aid someone in distress.
How does our readiness to act without delay underscore the importance of seizing opportunities to help others whenever they arise?

And just as the Good Samaritan not only provided immediate relief but also made arrangements for ongoing care, Paul’s words of blessing and encouragement showed a deeper level of compassion.
How might our urging for others to pass on the kindness that we have given them inspire others to extend the same generosity to others?

Both Paul’s actions and the Good Samaritan’s behavior reflects the heart of Christ’s teaching on love and compassion.
How might we embody the same spirit of kindness and to be proactive in helping those in need, regardless of the personal cost?

Naturally, I have been thinking about the ways I might pass kindness on in my small little world. I started to make a list of things I could do. Then I realized that it all came down to noticing the strangers and stepping up when I feel nudged to do so. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as running out into traffic to rescue a trapped motorist. It can be a smile, a compliment, a prayer, or maybe swiping my card for their coffee at the coffee shop counter. I am certain that if I pray for opportunities to pass on the kindness, God will reveal chances to pay it forward every day. I am guessing God will answer your prayers the same way if that is your desire.


God of kindness and light.

Thank You for Your endless love and the courage of those who help others selflessly. Inspire us to follow their example by acting with compassion and kindness. Help us to see and respond to the needs around us, overcoming barriers and offering grace.
Guide us to “pass on the kindness,” creating a ripple of goodness in the world. Grant us wisdom, strength, and humility to serve faithfully, reflecting Your light in all we do.