“From the Hart” Devotional for July 25, 2024

“In Thy Coming and Thy Going”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
Psalm 121:8

In my youngest son’s room, decorated with vibrant scenes from Dr. Seuss, there hangs a quote above his door: “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” It’s a whimsical reminder that each day holds opportunities and adventures awaiting him. This week, my son (now 24) and his wife are headed off on a three-year adventure that will take them across the world. I pray as they go that they will discover new and wonderful things about the world, themselves, and each other. I pray that they will meet people who will reflect Christ’s light. And I pray that the mountain that is waiting for them will bring them closer to God. And, of course, I pray that God will keep them safe.

Psalm 121:8 reassures us with comforting words: “The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” These words speak of God’s continuous protection over our lives, both as we embark on journeys and as we return home. Leaving home and returning each day can be moments of reflection and prayer. As I step out into the world, I pray to carry God’s light wherever I go, knowing His protection surrounds me. And upon my return, I give thanks for the blessings and safety experienced throughout the day. Praying in times of coming and going helps me to be aware of my need for God’s guidance and aware of God’s presence. It’s a reminder to pause, reflect, and trust in God’s enduring care.

Matthew 5:16 tells us “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
• Consider the opportunities you have each day to reflect God’s love and grace to those around you.
• How can you intentionally represent Christ in your interactions with others?
• How does returning to your home as a sanctuary influence your gratitude and worship towards God?

And in Psalm 26:8, we read “O Lord, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells.”
• Think about the peace and security you find in your home.
• How can you cultivate an atmosphere of thankfulness and praise to God for the sanctuary God has provided?

A prayer for today:
God of all of our comings and goings…
As we come before You today, we are reminded of Your promise to watch over our every step, both as we go out and as we return home. Thank You for Your faithful presence in our lives, guiding us and keeping us safe. Help us to embrace this day as the gift that it is, filled with opportunities to reflect Your love and grace to those around us. May we shine Your light brightly so that others may see Your goodness through us and give glory to Your name.

We ask for Your wisdom and discernment as we navigate the paths set before us, and the courage to step out in faith, knowing that You go before us. Whether we journey far or remain close to home this day, let us be filled by your peace.

Lord, we have made plans for this day that may or may not be the same plans that You have made. Help us to trust in Your plans as they unfold throughout this day. Guide for steps, open our hearts, and inspire our words. And when we return back home at the end of the day, let us find safety and comfort in your presence.

In the same way, please bless the journeys that are not physical, but the spiritual and emotional ones too.

Thank you for being with us in our comings and goings today and every day. Amen.