“From the Hart” Devotional for July 18, 2024

“Travelling Blessings”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

Recently, I had the bittersweet blessing of visiting my son and daughter-in-law in North Carolina before they embark on a three-year adventure of being stationed in Okinawa, Japan. The time we had together felt fleeting, as if three days slipped by in an instant. Saying goodbye at the airport was especially difficult. After our final meal together, amidst hugs and wrangling luggage, I turned away with tears in my eyes, already imagining what life would be like without them close by. I ran back for another hug and held on a little longer than usual, wishing we could have had just a few more hours together.

But in the midst of my own emotional turmoil, God orchestrated moments that reminded me of His presence and purpose. On the second leg of my flight, I found myself seated next to a young mother and her energetic two-year-old son. As I interacted with him, I couldn’t help but think of my own children when they were that age. The joy and innocence in his eyes were a poignant reminder of the preciousness of family time.

When I learned his father was seated several rows back due to a seating mix-up, I offered to switch seats so they could be together. The mother hesitated at first, but I insisted; I unbuckled and got up telling her “Someday you will give anything in the world for just a few more hours.”

Just 30 minutes into a three-hour flight, another opportunity arose when I helped reunite a newlywed couple who were separated on the flight. I unbuckled and gathered my belongings and moved to yet another seat, now next to two young children. A gift to the couple and a gift to me. Each act of kindness felt like a way of extending God’s love to others, even in the midst of my own farewell.

These experiences reminded me of the eternal perspective we’re called to embrace as Christians. Our time on earth is fleeting, but the love we share with others and the moments we spend together have a lasting impact. It’s in these moments that God’s presence is most palpable, guiding us to cherish every second and find contentment in His plan.

As I reflect on these encounters, I’m reminded of the verse from Romans: nothing can separate us from God’s love. Not distance, not time, not even the pain of goodbyes. In every farewell, there is a reminder that our bonds in Christ transcend earthly separations, offering hope and comfort that we will be reunited again.

Here are some questions for you to reflect on:

Reflecting on goodbyes: How do you typically handle farewells or goodbyes, especially when you know they may be for a long time?

Seizing the moment: Have you ever experienced a moment where you wished you had just a little more time with someone? How did that moment impact you?

Gratitude and contentment: Reflect on a recent time when you felt grateful for the time spent with loved ones. How can you cultivate contentment in such moments rather than focusing on what’s temporary?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the relationships you have blessed us with and the moments we share with loved ones. Help us to cherish these times, knowing that our connections with others reflect your love for us. Give us wisdom to see beyond the temporary and appreciate the eternal significance of each moment. In Jesus’ name, Amen.