“From the Hart” Devotional for July 11, 2024

“I Rest My Case”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.”

Psalm 23: 1-2

Being sick is a blessing. Don’t believe me? Hear me out…

This is an exciting season at Desert Spring! Our young people are busy doing many of the regular things that they do in the summer like camps, youth mission trips, and Vacation Bible school. And we are busy celebrating! It’s been one party after another around here. And I love to party! So, imagine my disappointment when in the middle of all of this celebrating, I tested positive for Covid. “NOOOOO!” I shouted as the line started to turn red on the test. I looked at my calendar and quickly determined that I had exactly no time for this! My calendar was full of plans, projects, programs, and parties. None of which I wanted to miss out on.

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of activity. Our days are filled with tasks, responsibilities, and commitments that demand our attention and energy. Yet, there are moments when our bodies remind us of a fundamental truth: we are not invincible. Illness can strike unexpectedly, forcing us to pause, reflect, and reconsider our priorities.

After a few days of being sick, I was finally able to embrace rest as a spiritual discipline rather than a setback. Once I surrendered control and circumstances to God, I found peace. And I found a deep gratitude for the big and little things that people did to care for me like friends checking in on me, my nephew bringing cold Gatorade to me, my church family covering for me, and my new boss (the one whose big party I missed out on!) encouraging me to take this time to care for myself and rest.

With rest comes time for reflection. Here are some reflections that you might relate to:

Psalm 23 paints a beautiful picture of God as our shepherd who leads us to restful places and refreshes our souls.
How does this imagery resonate with your current experience of needing rest?

Consider Jesus’ example in Mark 6:31, where he encouraged his disciples to come away with him to a quiet place and rest.
How does this example challenge or affirm your own beliefs about the balance between work and rest?

Reflect on a time when illness or exhaustion forced you to slow down.
How did God use that time to speak to you or redirect your focus?

None of us wish for sickness. And Covid is no party. But I have been blessed and humbled by this time of rest.

So, you see, being sick is a blessing. I rest my case!

Healing and loving God:
In times of illness and rest, we seek Your presence and healing touch. Grant us the grace to surrender our plans to Your perfect will, knowing that Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. Thank You for the blessing of community and the support of others who reflect Your love and care. May this time of stillness be a season of spiritual growth and renewal. Teach us to rest in Your love and to extend that love to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.