“From the Hart” Devotional for June 27, 2024

“A Flowing River of Grace”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross, for the water had risen; it was deep enough to swim in, a river that could not be crossed.
Ezekiel 47:5

It was a big Sunday — A day we’ve known was coming for a while, but one that seemed to sneak up on us anyway. I had reserved several hours to set up the room on Saturday, but a crowd showed up to pitch in and the work was done in no time.

Grateful for the help, I left that evening ankle-deep in a river of grace.

When I saw Pastor David Sunday morning before people began arriving for services, I joked that the day was all about him. He corrected me and said that the morning was all about God! And it was. As he led us in worship for one final time, it felt as if we were all singing a little louder, listening a little closer, and feeling the feels a little deeper than on a regular Sunday morning. His sermon title was the same as his first sermon 16 years ago — “A Flowing River of Grace.” It seems appropriate that he would start and end his ministry here at Desert Spring talking about Grace.

I left worship knee-deep in a river of grace.

Two hours after his last service ended, we were celebrating David & Geri at the all-church picnic. What a joy it was to walk around the campus and see the people who had shown up to honor them, many of whom were wearing their “River of Grace” shirts, carrying salads, dropping off postcards, or contributing to their trip fund gift — all wanting to express their love and appreciation. As I tried to make my way across the room of tables filled with joyous church members, I just smiled.

I felt like I was waist-deep in a river of grace.

As if that were not enough, we then headed to the sanctuary for a program of games, music, speeches, crying, laughing, and singing. Toward the end of the program, we sang “Rise up and Call Them Blessed.” We began to stand up for all the ways in which Pastor David has ministered to us throughout the years: marriages, baptisms, memorial services, membership, teaching, preaching….
By the end of the song, everyone in the room was on their feet.

ALL of us just swimming in a river of grace.
David and Geri looking out over the crowd, swimming in that same river.

It’s hard to top that!
But we are Desert Spring, so we know that God WILL top that! We know that our best days are still ahead of us and that there is much more grace in the river. We know there are blessings we haven’t even dreamed of in store for us… All we need to do is show up and keep swimming.

Just a few questions about grace:
When is the first time you can remember putting your toe into the river of grace?
Who was it that invited you to the river?
Who took your hand and led you in deeper?
Whose hand are you reaching back for to bring into the river of grace with you?

Let’s pray:
Gracious and loving God,
We thank you for the flowing river of grace we are swimming in, blessed by Pastor David’s leadership, the leadership of those who came before him, and the leadership of those who will come after him. We know that all grace in our lives comes from you. Give each of us grace as we welcome Pastor Sharon into the river of grace with us. Amen