Different Kind of Christmas 2018 Project

May 24, 2024, Update from Rev. Andrew Lee, Country Coordinator for the Methodist Mission in Cambodia

Greetings from Cambodia!

As you know the fund has been used for Street Children ministry even after Clara retired four years ago. I took over its ministries in the old dumpster site with a local staff (Daneth Him) along with GMFs (Global Mission Fellow). We have continued to collaborate with a local NGO (used to be “CLCA”; now “CSCFO”) which runs a school for orphans and street children. As we’ve faced the needs of the school, we continued to support the school by providing school supplies, uniforms, scholarship program, and basic operating expenses of school (teacher salaries). Also, we started new events such as parent/guardian school conference (bimonthly) and teacher trainings (each quarter) while we continue Easter and Christmas events.

By God’s grace, CSCFO also allowed us to add a separate session (so-called “Christian Value Class”) into their school curriculum so that we’re able to share with children the love of God through Gospel lessons. For this, a GMF is dedicated to this ministry and leading the class three times a week. During each class, fun activities/ crafts/ games with snacks are being offered. You can check more of our work at https://umccambodia.org/children/

Another great way this fund was used was to create children’s music videos that are posted online. It’s truly new way of mission! As you know, most people in Cambodia have smartphones, and we thought it would be better to create a children’s Sunday school curriculum that can be viewed on their phone instead of printing booklets. In the process, our team realized that there were not many accessible children’s praises freely available in Cambodia. The fund was used to create music videos for children’s songs and thus far, we have created more than 140 sing-along music videos. It costs about $130 to make one music video with live children (including the virtual background) and video editing and creation. We are also working on making animated music videos as well. Please check out our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@lovemcc to view the online materials we have been creating. By God’s help we’ve done with a 3-year Sunday school curriculum for the children, which includes all music videos as part of the curriculum.

As you can see, the funds that you’d raised for Cambodia 5 years ago have been indispensable for various ministries. Please know how grateful we are to be able to serve Cambodian children through the extended hands of support from you and Desert Spring UMC.

May God’s abundance be with you!

In Gratitude, in Christ,


Rev. Andrew Lee

Country Coordinator for the Methodist Mission in Cambodia

www.umccambodia.org | Ministry Website

Global Ministries | The United Methodist Church


GOAL – $50,000

RAISED – $54,000

Congratulations, Desert Spring Church!

Our 2018 goal of raising $50,000 for Cambodia Street Children’s Ministry was surpassed!

We raised $54,000 to help feed, clothe and educate the children living in extreme poverty in Cambodia. You are truly transforming the global community by extending the love of Jesus Christ to people half a world away. God bless you.


Throughout the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Penh, communities of “shack-towns” are set up. New families arrive weekly joining the squalor.

Children live as “street children” searching for a means to provide for their own survival. Older children are watching over their younger brothers and sisters. Many are living with small groups of other children.

Some children have living parents with HIV/AIDS or other serious ailments; without choices, they entrust their children to orphanages. Recently the Government has moved these marginalized families to communities away from the city where there are no schools, no sources of income, no clean drinking water, and no spiritual, economic, or health access and support.

The goals of the Cambodian Street Children’s Ministry (CSCM) are to provide basic needs to meet day-to-day challenges: clean water, food, clothing, housing, spiritual guidance and community.

But just as important, its goal is to help the children discover the life outside their community of poverty, and that a brighter future is possible!

Through CSCM, children on the margins are provided with survival support. Children are taught respect and trust. Children are provided education and opportunities to build self-esteem. Children are shown how to become effective members of community.

CSCM is a United Methodist Church Global Ministry, and is fully vetted by the United Methodist Church. 100% of your gifts go directly to this ministry.