“From the Hart” Devotional for June 13, 2024

“When One Door Closes”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“There is an appointed time for everything.
And there is a time for every event under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

When this week’s devotional hits, it will be nine months to the day since I started the process of becoming a licensed local pastor. I can tell you that ever since I pushed send on that first email inquiring about the process, it has been a pretty wild ride!

I had so many questions when I began this journey. Aside from inquiries about the process, I had questions for God, like: “Me? Really!?” and “Why now?” I wondered if I was really supposed to go through this door. After taking some time for prayer and discernment, I decided that I would continue walking through open doors until I came to a closed one, which I have been doing since September.

Behind every open door I have stepped through, the blessings have been abundant: Writing my call story and recognizing where God’s prevenient grace had been present since I was a child; Meeting with our Staff Parish Committee and being affirmed in the gift and graces that God has given me to be in ministry; Going before the church and receiving an envelope filled with enthusiastic “yeses” from the congregation that I love; Being certified as a candidate for ministry by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. I have loved every adventure behind every door. And I love you for your part in it!

Last month, I stepped through what I thought was to be the final door of the process — licensing school! I have read, studied, and worked hard learning how to do the job. I have learned so much about what it means to be a Christian and a Methodist. — Our rich history, our core values, our purpose. I will graduate the day before this devotional comes out. And I will celebrate!! I know that you will be celebrating too.
So, then what?

Friends, it seems as if I have come to a closed door. I will not be returning from Annual Conference as “Pastor” Julie. I will be coming back as the same ol’ Julie you are used to having around, hopefully just a little bit smarter! Stepping through the door right now to become a pastor would have meant closing the door to Desert Spring Church behind me, and I don’t feel that God is calling me to do that right now. I believe that I still have work to do here. We still have work to do together. The great news is that now I am even more prepared to do that work, which was my goal from the beginning. What an incredible experience this has been, and I am grateful to have a church that has supported that.

I know that I am not the only one who has stood in front of two doors wondering which one to walk through. Perhaps you are in front of (or between) two doors right now. If you are, how do you choose which one to walk through? Choosing between something good and something bad is easy. But when was a time that you had to choose between two good things? How did that turn out?

When was a time that you poured yourself into accomplishing a goal? How did it feel when you did?

When was the last time you felt loved and supported in something you were working hard at? How did that support motivate you to do your best?


Dear gracious and loving God,
No matter what doors I may have in front of (or behind) me, I take comfort in knowing that I don’t need to walk through them alone. Please continue to lead me in the path that will allow me to shine your light in the world. Give me peace in the knowing and joy in the doing that which you have created me for. I know that you will equip me for whichever door is opened unto me.