“From the Hart” Devotional for August 29, 2024

“What Does the Lord Require of Us?”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8

It is the beginning of a new school year. Kids have just settled into the first quarter of the school year. As a child, I loved the beginning of the school year. I can remember picking out my “first day of school” outfit a week before, lining up my brand-new school supplies, and filling each pocket of my backpack. I always tried to be the first in line to enter the school building so I could secure a desk on the front row of the classroom. This ritual went all the way up through high school! I would go home at the end of my first day and study the syllabus for each class. What was I looking for? I was looking for the answer to what I needed to do to please my teacher, to earn an A in the class. My goal was less about learning and more about obtaining the A.

Sometimes, we can approach our faith with that same sentiment. That is what was happening in Micah 6. The people of Israel were trying to negotiate with God. They wanted to know what things they could offer in order to please God, what they could sacrifice in order to earn God’s favor. What they were really asking was what could they bring to make up for their failings? And I get that! I was that kid who did the extra credit at the beginning of the quarter just in case I bombed a test.

In Micah 6:8, God doesn’t answer their question with a list of things they can bring to sacrifice like a goat or a lamb. No, God was interested in righteousness, not rituals. God was (and still is) interested in our hearts. When our hearts are in the right place, it is only natural that we would act with justice, mercy, and humility. And that is what God desires.

Just how do we go about that? Let’s break down God’s six-word answer: Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly.

Act Justly: To act justly means to live with integrity and reflect God’s righteousness by standing up for what is right. Where are you going out of your way to advocate for justice? In other words, for whom are you standing up? Do your actions align with your values?

Love Mercy: Loving mercy involves showing kindness and compassion regardless of what is shown to us by others. It is where this grace that we have received from God is being extended to others. What might that grace look like in your life? It might come in the form of forgiveness. Where might you be withholding kindness?

Walk Humbly: Walking humbly means submitting to God’s will and being obedient to God’s calling in our lives. Where do you need to release control in your life and trust in God’s plan? Where are you basking in the glory that belongs to God?

Preparing to pray: As we prepare to pray this day, let’s take a moment to consider where we need to act, who we need to love, and how we need to walk in your faith.

Prayer: God of justice, love, and mercy. We come before you now with humble hearts and willing spirits. We are thankful for all that is good in our lives, for we know that all good things come from you. Open our hearts to let you in so your love will pour out of our hearts to others. We pray that our words and actions may be pleasing to you. Amen.