“From the Hart” Devotional for July 4, 2024

“Fanning the Flames in Times of Change”
by Julie Hart, Director of Connectional Ministries

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”
2 Timothy 1:6 (NIV)

Last Sunday, I shared a message about being a church on fire. I talked about the Pentecost story when the Holy Spirit descended with wind and fire, transforming Christ’s followers into witnesses to the world. This came at a time when they were going through a transition. They had put down their nets to follow Jesus, and now this Jesus that they had been faithfully following was gone; and they were unsure of what was to come next. Sometimes we can be tempted to stop, quit, just give up rather than to change. Why? Because change is hard! Even the changes that we want and expect.

I think the most significant change that I have experienced in my life is that of becoming a parent. Even though this was a change I had dreamed about and planned for, there is nothing that prepares you to take a tiny helpless human home wrapped in a hospital receiving blanket, swimming in the newborn outfit you had picked out for them the day you found out you were pregnant. Of course, I knew a baby would change my life. Transitioning into parenthood is more than just sleepless nights and endless diapers. It changes your social life, your work life, your family life. It rocks your world, your routine, your finances. Parenthood changes everything! And, despite the books I read, and the classes I took, it was still filled with uncertainty.

Pentecost is a reminder that times of transition may be filled with uncertainty, but they are also filled with opportunities for God to be at work at our lives in mighty ways and for us to step up and use our spiritual gifts in order to keep the fire burning. In the Pentecost story, Christ was gone. But the Holy Spirit came with boldness to help them to navigate and fulfill God’s purpose in their lives. And they all fanned the flame so the fire could spread.

We have been talking a lot about how a change of pastors would affect us, personally, and as a church. But have we spent enough time thinking about the impact of this change on our new pastor who just moved across the country to lead us?

Pastor Sharon shared with the staff this week how she asks a lot of questions. She is a naturally curious person with a great obedience to God. She has come faithfully and eagerly to fan the flame at Desert Spring Church, and we are grateful…for her gifts, for her spirit, and for her questions.

Here are some questions for us to consider:

Have you experienced a significant change lately?
If so, how did you handle it?

Is there something about your future that causes you to be fearful or anxious?
Have you invited the Holy Spirit into that space?

Can you recall a time when a significant change led to a positive outcome in your life? Or caused you to grow in a meaningful way?

What are some things you could let go of in order to rely on the Holy Spirit as you face transitions or unknown changes?

How can you embrace the winds of change in your life?
How might you help others to embrace an inevitable change in their lives?

Gracious and most loving God.
We thank you for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. In this time of transition, we ask that you fill us with Your Spirit and empower us to live our lives according to Your will. Help us to embrace the opportunities before us in this time of transition in ways that will grow us in our faith and allow us to be effective witnesses.