Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry Team Formation Meeting
Tuesday, Jan 16th at 6:30pm at Desert Spring Church in Room 9

Jesus spoke very directly to you and me in Matthew 25 about what we can do to be his disciples: Feed the poor, satisfy the thirsty, clothe the needy, invite the stranger, comfort the sick and VISIT ME WHEN I’M IN PRISON. The righteous people argued they had never seen Jesus in Prison and he replied “…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Desert Spring Church is forming a Prison Ministry Team to do just that. You are invited to a meeting to discuss how we can follow Jesus’ call:
• Weekly Evening Bible Study in Clark County Detention Center
• Volunteer with Partner Organizations already engaged in Prison Outreach
• Supporting Individuals ready for release and re-entry into society, work, school, and our community
• Provide mentoring, resources, training and connections to help people with housing, work documentation, and support for their families.

Direct support and meetings at the County Jail is not a Ministry for everyone. There are many ways to follow Jesus’ call, and you can help us with ideas for your engagement.

This meeting will result in a Team that will help connect incarcerated people with God’s Plan for their lives. These are beautiful children of God, wonderful to behold, and you could be the catalyst that brings their life into a new and productive stage.

For details, questions, or ideas on how you might help. Please fill out the form below.  If this meeting does not fit into your busy life, we’ll make sure you are still a part of our Team.

Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteer Interest Form